Forrás: ...I've finally become Italian food. 
Forrás: Homemade breakfast: English muffin, sausage, egg, extra sharp cheddar and SRIRACHA MAYONIASE!!! Whaaaat?!?
Cozy family feast 😛 

Forrás: New Years resolutions??? 😳 not sure this counts.
Forrás: Dinner last night! Home rotisseried (not a real word😛) chicken and a vegetable medley each dressed with its own delicious favors-- fig balsamic, shallots, and other such yumminess!
Forrás: No, that's not a baby in my belly... It's guacamole.
Forrás: Nothing better (or tastier) than an evening spent with friends who share your passion. 
Forrás: Whoever invented Kraft Mac & Cheese should get a Michelin star. Holy goodness. (I was outta milk so I substituted it for a splash of heavy cream and 4-6 tablespoons of cream cheese). Holy. 😯 😍 Cow.
Forrás: Baking with my girl Morgan 
Forrás: Blake. Wuz. Here.
Forrás: This new lipstick is all the rage. 80% cocoa. 112% immature.
Forrás: Name one thing better in winter than City Bakery hot chocolate!! ...that's what I thought 😋 Who here has been?
Forrás: ...and so has our sweet tooth! 

Íme Blake Lively #foodporn krónikája!

A két gyerekes hollywoodi sztármami csodás alakjának mostanában mindenki csodájára jár, de vajon milyen titkokat rejt Blake Lively edzése? Talán valami új mozgásforma, vagy zsírégető csodaszer? Nos, most talán egy lépéssel közelebb kerültünk a válaszhoz!